Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013 - Suu (Shugo Chara)

Top o' the mornin' to ye, folks! ^^ Bri here! I know what you all are wondering: 'What does 'Top o' the mornin' to ye' have to do with today?' Well, since it's St. Patrick's Day today, I decided to use an Irish greeting for today's post.

Now what comes to mind when people hear 'St. Patrick's Day?' What usually comes up are a dinner of corned beef and cabbage at home or the rowdiness of drunks at the bar that night. But what universally comes into peoples' minds are leprechauns and the color green, which brings us to today's character: Suu of the ever-cute anime 'Shugo Chara!'

Here's a picture of her. Isn't she cute? ^^ Many thanks to the Shugo Chara Wiki for letting me use this!
Here's another picture of her! ^^ Many thanks to Zerochan for letting me use this!
Now I bet you're wondering 'Why are you focusing on Suu and not Amu's form with her?' The answer to that is the goal of this blog is to utilize common clothes and materials for costumes. And since not everybody has a skirt that looks like an upside-down green blueberry, I picked Suu instead of Amulet Clover for this post.
What you need:
  • A green dress with sleeves
  • A white bandana
  • A plain white apron
  • Green ballet shoes or flats
  • White satin or any other soft white fabric
  • Green ribbon (Optional if you have flats)
  • Bra pads (found at any store that sells lingerie or can be found online)
How to make it:
  1. Put on the dress and apron. Have a parent or friend tie the back of the apron.
  2. Have a parent or friend wrap the satin around your neck and using a black marker, draw where to have them cut, making the collar. Make sure the front of it covers the neck straps. Have them safety pin the ends together (with the pin pointing away from your neck, of course!).
  3. For the shoes, just get some ballet shoes in green. If all you have is a pair of green flats, sew on four straps of matching green ribbon (two for each shoe) and wrap them around your legs making an X shape.
  4. Put on the bandana and with your parent or friend and the same marker, mark where to cut. This time you'd want to have the sides of it be wavy. Once the marking is done, begin cutting the excess fabric and you got Suu's headkerchief.
  5. For the sleeves, just stuff some bra pads underneath them so they'll puff up. You can do this with some green ribbon or plush stuffing too. Put on some white shorts for bloomers and you're done!
For the club symbol, just draw one on paper, color it, cover it in tape and tape a couple safety pins to the back. My next recipes will be for Easter and Hanami (the Cherry Blossom Festival). Hope you enjoyed and...

Have a great St. Patrick's Day! [|:3>

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